I mentor the work of an informal team of young PhD students and researchers to explore how ultra-intense laser pulses and particle beams interact with matter at ultra-high intensities.
I am a co-developer of OSIRIS, a massively parallel particle-in-cell code for plasma simulations. Osiris is developed by IST and by the University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA). My students developed an advanced Radiation Diagnostic for OSIRIS (RaDiO). We use routinely OSIRIS and RaDiO in TIER-0 supercomputing sites in our research undertakings.
I also currently coordinate undergraduate plasma physics courses at IST where I introduced a set of computational examples using PIC simulations to complement the regular course work materials.

Short CV
2023- Associate Professor (Professor Associado), Physics Department, IST, Lisbon
2019-2023 Assistant Professor (Professor Auxiliar), Physics Department, IST, Lisbon
2016-2019 Principal Researcher (Investigador Principal), GoLP/IPFN, IST, Lisbon [FCT Researcher program] Invited Assistant Professor (Professor Auxiliar Convidado), Physics Department, IST, Lisbon
2013-2016 Assistant Resarcher (Investigador Auxiliar) GoLP/IPFN, IST, Lisbon
2012-2013 Humboldt Post-Doctoral Fellow, Max Planck Institute for Physics, Munich
2010-2012 Post-Doctoral Researcher, IST, Lisbon
2005-2010 PhD in Physics, IST, Lisbon
2000-2005 MSc Physics Engineering, IST, Lisbon